28. April 2024

Personal Knowledge Mastery by Harold Jarche

Personal Knowledge Mastery* is a concept by Harold Jarche and includes the Seek-Sense-Share Framework. The concept is a set of processes that are individually constructed. It should help us to make sense of our world, work more effectively and take control of our professional development. (Jarche, 2018: 66)

Personal Knowledge Mastery - Seek-Sense-Share-Framework
Personal Knowledge Mastery – created with canva.com

Looking at the canvas you will sense what the framework is about. Ultimately, it is not only about absorbing and sharing knowledge, but also generating added value for others. This is especially true for experts, because Jarche says very clearly that not everyone has the luxury of learning exactly how to do it. Jarche calls people who can do that ‚knowledge catalysts‘.

Can ‚Working Out Loud‘ be a part of Harold Jarches Seek-Sense-Share concept?

This part is only a quick hint to show how different concepts can be connected. The principles and also the program of Working Out Loud can be a part of your own Seek-Sense-Share framework. Learning new things and developing yourself in the network era requires a network of colleagues and is important to keep up to date. Finally, this is something you learn with ‚Working Out Loud‘.

If you like to know more about Harold Jarches ‚Personal Knowledge Mastery‘ I suggest his ‚Life in Perpetual Beta‘, 3rd Edition.



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